




1. 論文作成中のチェックポイント

2. 論文作成、投稿関係、

3. 査読修正原稿投稿関係

4. 脱日本人英語

5. お勧めの参考文献


1. 論文作成中のチェックポイント



大文字の例) Effect of Uniaxial Stress Upon the Electromechanical Properties of Various Piezoelectric

Ceramics and Single Crystals

小文字の例) Effect of uniaxial stress upon the electromechanical properties of various piezoelectric ceramics and single crystals

名前と所属 例) David Safari, Tariq Waller, and Gregory Levi

Material Research Laboratory, University of Neverland, Santa Barbara, California 90095-1893


アブストは最低7文程度は必要  アブスト、イントロなどのパラグラフの最初のTheには注意する。

The lead zirconate-lead titanate solid solution ceramic represents ~⇒ ×(そのPZTは~という意味)

Lead zirconate -lead titanate solid solution ceramic represents~⇒○ (どこにでもある一般のPZTは~という意味)


例) The effect of prestress on the nonlinear dielectric and piezoelectric response of PZT piezoelectric ceramics is studied.


The slurry was dried and recalcined~(そのスラリーは~)

Slurry was dried and recalcined (どこにでもある)スラリーは~   ものごとを特定・限定する場合はtheをつける

~を研究した。>The effect of prestress on the nonlinear dielectric and piezoelectric response of PZT piezoelectric ceramic is studied.

The crystallization, transformation, and partitioning of amorphous PZT powders produced by pyrolytic decomposition of partially hydrolyzed, mixed alkoxide precursors were investigated.

In the conventional poling method, piezoelectric ceramics and composites are poled by applying a large dc voltage.

~は困難だった>Poling of composites having a polymer matrix with 0-3 connectivity is especially difficult because the electric field within the high-dielectric constant grains is far smaller than in the low-dielectric -constant polymer matrix.

~に対する~はどうなった。>The responce to bipolar and unipolar electric field under constant prestress is experimentally evaluated.

例えば、~>For example, metastable perovskites with as much as 20% PbO deficiency could be prepared for 0<t<1, but only ~10% PbO excess could be incorporated in solid solution for 0.33<t<1.

~が分かった>Increasing PbO content was foundto promote crystallization, suggesting that this oxide acts as a network modifier enhancing mobility within the initial amorphous precursor powder.

注意>~ was found thatの次に来る文章の動詞は現在形。 「~は~する」ということが分かった。

例)  Based on these studies it was concluded that nonlead (Na,K)NbO3 system has a high possibility of being used for actuator and transducer applications.

例) It was found that BNT-BKT and BNT-BT system have low FE phase transition temperature and the piezoelectric properties disappear in the AFE phase.

~は~という事が分かった。> It is found thatthe dielectric and piezoelectric response of the material is proportional to the volume fraction of the non-180 domains and the difference in domain wall pressure created by mechanical and electrical loads.

この発見は~で議論した>The findings are discussed in light of structural relationships between the fluorite, pyrochlore, and perovskite, as well as current understanding of the thermodynamics of the system.

Introduction>何をやったのか? 研究に関するこれまでの経緯、発見、問題点を記述


Experimental>どうやってやったのか? 試薬や実験方法を具体的かつ詳細に記述


2. Experimental Procedureなどの大項目は先頭大文字

2.1 Sample preparationなどの中項目は先頭だけ大文字(JJAPスタイル)

Results and Discussion>何を発見したのか?それは何を意味するのか?

 新聞や会話とは異なり科学論文では、「私は~と考えた」などとは言わず、「~は~と考えられる」など「私」を隠す方向で記述するのが普通であり、It is~という形式を取る。一方、会話では、「私は~と思う」で話す。

~を示す。⇒~であることが分かった。⇒~と考えられる。又は~は分からない 。の繰り返し。

It is found that the dielectric and piezoelectric response~の文は、

It is found thatをなるべく抜いて、すっきりとさせる事も検討。

書き換え⇒The dielectric and piezoelectric response ~

得られた結果を簡潔に記述 結果なので過去形(~だった)で記述。




文頭はFigure 1 shows~ ただし次の場合は別> In Fig.3, we~   図を示した後の文中は~in Fig.5.







Conclusions >重要な結果のみを記述。 結論は5文程度必要 文末にピリオド



~は~であることが分かった>The crystallization behavior of alkoxide-derived amorphous oxides within the PZT system was foundto depend strongly on both chemical composition and heat treatment temperature.

~を評価した>Three types of hybrid electrodes were evaluated as a replacement for the bottom RuO2 electrode in the capacitors.

~はthat以下を示唆(示す)した。>Changes in crystallization temperatures suggest that PbO actsas a modifier within the amorphous network, leading to fewer M-O-M bonds in PbO-excess compositions, which is kinetically more favorable for crystallization.

その結果はthat以下を示唆している。>The results suggest thatdirect crystallization of perovskite from the amorphous precursor, i.e., without fluorine formation, may be more likely near PTO than PZT.

この論文は~を比較している。>This paper compares the temperature dependence of dielectric and piezoelectric properties for the MPB compositions in BNT-BKT and BNT-BT system along with that of KNN system.

~で発見した>A suitable nonlead replacement of lead-based piezoelectrics can be found in the LN-NN-KN ternary system.

that以下が明らかだった>It was shown that using hybrid electrodes can result in PZT capacitors with leakage currents two to four orders of magnitude lower than those of a typical capacitor.

~を成し遂げた>   This reduction in leakage current is achieved while at the same time maintaining the excellent resistance to the polarization fatigue characteristic of the capacitors.

Captions> キャプション文の先頭にTheはつけないこと。

The micrograph of ~ × → Micrograph of ~ ○


Fig.X. X-ray-diffraction pattern of a PZT thin film grown on a RuO2/MgO substrate.(エックス線図1つの時)

Fig.X. (001) and (100) X-ray diffraction peakstaken on the surface of the PT-BF-polymer composite before and after poling.


Fig.X. XRD traces of the (a) as-annealed and (b) electrically poled samples. (エックス線図2つ以上の時)

Fig.X. XRD patterns for lead titanate compositions with (a) x=0, (b) x=-0.1, and (c) x=-0.2 heat-treated at 500 ℃.



Fig.X. Schematic of the load recording assembly used for relaxation studies under the application of an electric field.

Fig.X. Schematic showing the anisotropy of crack lengths in a mechanically poled sample.

Fig.X. Schematic diagram of the corona discharge poling apparatus.


Fig.X. Fracture toughness, Kic, of unpoled samples as a function of temperature.

Fig.X. Load vs time trace for a sample under the application of an electric field of magnitude 10 kV/cm.

Fig.X. Plot of ln (-dP/dt) vs time for the trace shown in Fig.6.

Fig.X. Selected electrical and optical properties as functions of (A) La content for 65/35 Zr/Ti ratio and (B) Zr/Ti ratio for La content of 7 at.%.

Fig.X. P-E curves for a (001)PMN crystal, a PMN ceramic, and a "hard" PZT ceramic.

Fig.X. Electromechanical properties of EC-69 as a function of s, taken at various Eac.

Fig.X. Dielectric constant as a function oftemperature.

Fig.X. Time dependence of the electrical current of Pt/PZT/Pt/MgO and RuO2/PZT/RuO2/MgO capacitors.

Fig.X. Transparency of polished plates of PLZT.

Fig.X. Microstructure of PLZT polished and thermally etched at 1300℃ for 1h.

Fig.X. Photomicrograph showing a microindent introduced in a mechanically poled sample.

Fig.X. SEM micrograph of an individually fired PZT filament having a diameter of ~25 mm.

Fig.X. Phase diagram of the PMN-PT solid-solution system.

Fig.X. Flow sheet for processing of piezoelectric and electrooptic ceramics.

Fig.X. Typical hysteresis loops from various ferroelectric ceramics: (A) BT capacitor, (B) soft PZT, (C) PLZT relaxor, and (D) PSZT antiferroelectric material.


横軸 horizontal axis, X-axis   縦軸 vertical axis, Y-axis

線形目盛 linear scale   対数目盛 logarithmic scale   指数目盛 exponential scale

○ open circle  ● closed circle 又は solid circle

□ open square ■ closed square

△ open triangle ▲ closed triangle

+ plus       × cross    ☆ open star   ★ closed star

実線 solid line  破線 dashed line 


Table X. Lattice Parameters of Phases Identified

Table X. Fluid properties of the PZT suspension

Table X. Dielectric and Piezoelectric Propertiesof PZT Ceramics

Table X. Electrooptic R and g Coefficients for PLZT Compositions

Table X. Compositions and Properties of typical Ferroelectric Ceramics


References > JJAPスタイル(最後にピリオドをつけること)




1) T.Tanaka, K.Maruyama and K.Sakita: Jpn.J.Appl.Phys. 30 (1991) 2236.

2) K.Kusimoto: Bull.Ceram.Soc.Jpn. 40 (2005) 609.

3) B-J Chu, D-R Chen, G-R Li and Q-R Yin: J.Euro.Ceram.Soc. 23 (2004) 2115.

4) Y.Nakane, H.Shimizu and M.Miyajima: J.Ceram.Soc.Jpn. 112 (2003) 999.

5) M-S.Kim, J-H.Lee, J-J. Kim, H-Y.Lee and S-H.Cho: J.Euro.Ceram.Soc. 23 (2004) 2107.

注)上記の英文はすべてNative Speakerの論文から抜粋。


< 論文作成に関して >






参考文献> 「論文執筆にあたっての心得と注意点」、A.T.Tu, 雑誌「化学」6月号(2006)


○先に結論。後に理由を書く 例)~は~だ。なぜならば~だから。













Dear Sirs,

I am submitting herewith a manuscript for consideration as an article in your journal. Would you please let me know whether my paper is acceptable in your journal.

Yours faithfully,





                        June 26, 2003

Professor Tomas Edison

Editor-in-Chief, Materials Research Bulletin

Piezo Laboratory, Neverland University

610 Taylor Road, New Jersey 1234-5678


Dear Professor Edison:


I am submitting herewith a manuscript entitled "........" for consideration as an article in your (journal/bulletin).

Would you please let me know whether my paper is acceptable in your (bulletin/jounal).

             Yours sincerely,

              Taro SUZUKI

         Ceramics Research Institute, BAST.



3.<査読結果への対応>   英語メール作成の例文





Enclosed please find 2 copies of revised manuscript entitled XXXXX(title).


Our main changes are:


I handle that paying attention.


Thank you for your honest opinion.


Your indication is correct.


I will revise ~/ I will correct~

修正した図 revised diagram 修正された推定値 Revised Estimate 修正された声明 a revised statement

先の論文 the former paper


Original figures of Figs.1, 2, and 3 were removed.


The Methods and Results sections were reduced drastically.


Three references were also removed.


The ×× used in ○○ were added on p.5.


Item 2 pointed out by the referee on ○○ was corrected on p.6.


In order for you to know which parts we eliminated, the original manuscript is also enclosed.


The reviewer mentioned that work on ○○ was too brief.


The purpose of this study was to determine ○○


Reviewer II mentioned that not enough detail is given as to the ○○.


The description of ○○ as shown on p.4. seems adequate, and no further modification is made.


The description of ○○ is added on p.4, line 13 to line 20.


The reviewer suggested that figures ○○ should be shown.


The referee mentioned that the references on ○○ are inadequate.

私達の研究の目的は○○であって、××ではないため、文献を増やす必要はない と思います。

Since our purpose is to study ○○ and not ××, we feel it is not necessary to add more literature.


We complied with most of the three reviewer's suggestion.

これらの指摘は実に貴重なアドバイスですが、それは将来の仕事にしたいと思い ます。

These suggestions are indeed very valuable advice, and we would like to consider them for our future work.


We feel that the data presented here is adequate for the purpose of our objective,

修正した論文が承認され、御雑誌での発表により適したものになることを望んで います。

I hope that the revised paper meets your approval and will be more suitable for publication in Jounal of XXXXX.

Sincerely yours,

Taro Suzuki


参考文献 雑誌「化学」2006年8月号

<査読修正後に提出する文書の文例その一 >----

Dear Sirs,

  Hearty thanks for e-mails relating to accept of my manuscript. I am returning herewith a manuscript revised according to editor and reviewer’s comments.

Revised points relating to Reviewer’s comments>

Comment No.1> I would like to consider submit as a note or technical report, instead of the paper from the following viewpoints. Revised point> I changed type of manuscript from “paper” to “note” according to reviewer’s suggestion.

Comment No.2> In the substitution of the target cobalt-containing pigment, it is assumed that the pigment containing the glass composition is not suitable, since the used conditions of the pigment are different in the industrial fields. For example, when it is used as a pigment of ceramics, it is necessary to consider matching with the used temperature and glass frit used elsewhere. Revised point> At present, I can’t judge whether the blue powder developed in this study can apply for the decoration of porcelain since I have not been the test. However, I can understand reviewer’s concern. Thus, I added a sentence relating to the hopeful application field (coating material) for the powder.

Comment No.3> In Figure 1, I think that the color of the sample synthesized by heating at 1100 degC. is too bluish. It was possible that blue pigment with low amount CuO was obtained by raising the temperature. Since it is thought that mass production is possible if it is the same method in the glass powder product, we think that it is better to study at different temperatures. Revised point> I think what reviewer pointed out is right. I would like to consider this point (Development of blue powder with low CuO content) for future work.

Comment No.4> Please correct explanation on the use of XRD and UV. In particular, it is difficult for the reader to understand, because there are descriptions of X-ray diffraction and X-ray diffractometer in the text. Revised point> I found a miss point relating to “the description of x-ray analysis result for powder prepared” and revised sentence relating the powder. Moreover, In order to unify descriptions relating to XRD patterns, the name was changed from ‘XRD patterns’ to ‘X-ray diffraction pattern(s)’.

Editor’s Comments> In quoting Berke’s paper, I think that it is better to describe the difference with china blue pigment. Revised point> In order to reveal the advantage of powder developed in this study to china blue pigment, I added the following a sentence.”For the preparation of BaCuSi4O10 powder by solid state reaction method, elimination process of flux compound is needed. On the other hand, synthesis method in this study has the merit of being easy to simply fabricate blue glass mixture powder including BaCuSi4O10 in large volume.”


I hope that the revised manuscript meets your approval and will be more suitable for publication in your journal.

Sincerely yours, Ichiro TANAKA 

< 文例 その2>--------

Dear Reviewer,

     I give deep thanks for your kind review.

Here, I submit revised manuscript and would like to answer for your comments.

I hope that the revised manuscript meets your approval and will be more suitable for publication.

< Comments No.1 to the author >

     In the Bi2O3-Nb2O5 solid solutions synthesized in this study, high a* and b* values were observed in the tetragonal samples. Why tetragonal phase show higher a* and b* values than those of the other ones?

< Answer to reviewer >

     As I received indication from reviewer, I learned band-gap mechanism of Bi2O3-based solid solution from many paper relating to Bi2O3-based pigment. So, I add "reason for a*, b* values of samples increase on the tetragonal crystal phase" to previous manuscript.

< Comments No.2 to the author >

     The authors mentioned that no significant difference was observed in the x = 0.06 sample synthesized at 800 degC with different heating time. However, it seems that the a* and b* values increased and decreased, respectively, when the sample was heated for 30 min or longer. Could you explain the reason for that?

< Answer to reviewer >

     As I received indication from reviewer, I reconsidered the color data of obtained powder. As reviewer pointed out, I also thought that there are clear difference in these color data. Thus, I observed particle size of powders with SEM and revised descriptions on this part.


Yours sincerely,

                    Taro TANAKA, BIST


査読後、修正した後の投稿時>パート2   英語メール作成の例文


                June 26, 2003

Professor Tomas Edison

Editor-in-Chief, Materials Research Balletin

Piezo Laboratory, Neverland University

610 Taylor Road, New Jersey 1234-5678


Dear Professor Edison:

    I am returning herewith a manuscript revised according to reviewer's comments.

I hope that revised manuscript is now acceptable for publication.

       Yours sincerely,

        Taro SUZUKI

 Ceramics Research Institute, BAST.


査読後、修正した後の投稿時>パート3    英語メール作成の例文


Dear Sirs,(←担当者が不明の時)

Hearty thanks for e-mails relating to accept of my manuscript.

According to instructions,  I am returning herewith a manuscript revised according to editor in Chief's comments.

Manuscript ID JCSJ-p16304.R1

Title: Synthesis of Bi2O3-ArO2 solid solutions for enviroment-friendly orange pigments

If you have any problem, please let us know.

Yours faithfully,(←Sirsに対応する結び)









例)The tornado destroyed a school.竜巻が学校を破壊した。(能動態。「竜巻」が話において大事な場合)

The school was destroyed by a tornado.学校は竜巻によって破壊された。(受動態。「学校が壊された」事が大事な場合)


例)I was presented this watch by my uncle × ⇒ My uncle gave me this watch. ○

ただし、論文の実験項は、能動態で書くと、「私は~した」、「私は~した」となって、みっともないので一般に受動態(~は~された。(例)Densities were determined by ~.)がよく使用される。


例)I think (that) you are beauty. → I think (that) + you are beauty.




(thatを省略して言う時) I think you are beauty. → I think + you are beauty.

Yesterday, I ate a blueberry pie in the kitchen.→ Yesterday, + I + ate + a blueberry pie + in the kitchen.


I will eat dinner. 私は夕食を食べるだろう。(90%程度の確率)

I would eat dinner. 私は夕食を食べるだろう。(70%程度の確率)

I am going to eat dinner. 私は夕食を食べるつもりである。(食べないかもしれない)

This part is causing all problems. この部分がすべての問題の引き金になっている。

This part was causing all problems. この部分がすべての問題の引き金になっていた。

This part will be causing all problems. この部分がすべての問題の引き金になっている。(確信している)

This part should be causing all problems. この部分がすべての問題の引き金になっているのだろう。


This part may be causing all problems. この部分がすべての問題の引き金になっているのかもしれない。



You have to pass this test before you can drive.

(Nativeによるとhave toとmustは同等の強さに聞こえるそう)


You must pass this test before you can drive.


You should pass this test before you can drive.

<たぶん、~ の使い分け>

Probably,~(確実に)> Maybe,(半々)> Perhaps, (なることもある)> Possibly,(ひょっとして)





Keiko opened the door slowly. ケイコはそのドアをゆっくり開けた。(ゆっくりは重要ではない場合)

Keiko slowly opened the door. ケイコはゆっくりとそのドアを開けた。(ゆっくりがそこそこ重要な場合)

Slowly, Keiko opened the door. ゆっくりと、ケイコはそのドアを開けた。(ゆっくりがとても重要な場合)


She heard a guiter being played faintly. 彼女は、(かすかな音でギターが弾かれる)のを聞いた。

She faintly heard a guiter being played. 彼女は、(ギターが弾かれるのを)かすかに聞いた。


例) TARO TANAKA又はTaro Tanaka。Taro TANAKAという表記は、英語雑誌では見かけない。

○There is ~、It is ~、It is ~that~の文は、退屈な印象を受けるので、なるべく使わないで、明確な主語の文章(~は~した)にする。


To know that the shop is not doing well is sad. →文を言い換える→ It is sad to know that the shop is not doing well.

○関係代名詞(which, thatなど)はなるべく使わない。Nativeは、どうしても必要な時だけに使う。



例)On Monday, I went to the bank. 月曜日に、私は銀行に行った。 (月曜日を強調したい場合)

  I went to the bank on Monday. 私は月曜日に銀行に行った。 (月曜日は重要ではない場合)

○to+動詞(~するための)for ~ing(~するならば)のニュアンスの違い


I propose a new method to solve this problem. 私は、この問題を解決するために新しい方法を提案する。

I propose a new method for solving this problem. 私は、この問題を解決しようとするならば新しい方法を提案する。


○現在完了形 ( have been ) はなるべく使わないで、研究がいかに優れているかを強調する。

○一文を短く、しかも、なるべく言いきる(~かもしれない×、 ~だ ○)

She went to the desk. She sat down. She fell a sleep. 


→ She went to the desk, sat down, and fell a sleep.


例)Tanaka was busy. She was unable to go to look the movie. 田中は忙しかった。 彼女は映画を見に行く事が出来なかった。

→Because Tanaka was busy, she was unable to go to the movie. 田中は忙しかったので、映画を見に行く事が出来なかった。

○英語では同じ表現の繰り返しは嫌われる。He ~、He~が続く時は、Mr KKK、He~、Mr KKK, He~という感じにする。 


Tokyo which is Jaspan's largest city is the capital of Japan.

→Tokyo, which is Jaspan's largest city, is the capital of Japan.



例)×Tanaka served us food. → ○Tanaka served us ham and potatoes.



○「化学英語の活用辞典」 化学同人


○「例文詳解 技術英語のキー構文・キーワード活用辞典」 原田豊太郎著、日刊工業新聞社


○科学英文技法」 兵藤甲一著、東京大学出版会


○「科学者のための英文手紙の書き方」 黒木登志夫、F・ハンター・藤田著、朝倉書店


○「Judy先生の英語科学論文の書き方 CD-ROM付」 野口ジュディー・松浦克美著、講談社サイエンティフィク


○「マナー違反の英会話」 ジェームズMバーダーマン、森本豊富、講談社


○「日常英会話 パーフェクトブック」 ベレ出版


○「驚くほど話せる 頭だし英会話」 尾山 大著、ナツメ社

 →Will you ~で~してくれない?といった「頭だしの文」は英会話の練習に役に立つ。

○「こなれた英文を書く技術 ワンランク上のライティングを可能にする8つのワザ」黒川裕一著、ベレ出版




○「英語論文すぐに使える表現集」 小田麻里子、味園真紀著、ベレ出版

○「英語論文によく使う表現辞典」 加藤久雄著、ナツメ社

○「英語論文によく使う表現」 碕村耕二、創元社

○「化学英語の基礎(和英・英和用例辞典)」 野崎 亨著、培風館

○「理系のための英語論文執筆ガイド ネイティブとの発想のズレはどこか?」


○「これから論文を書く若者のために」 酒井聡樹著、共立出版


○「日本人に共通する書く英語の弱点」 ボブ・ヤンポルスキー+「週刊ST」編集部

○「英語口頭発表のすべて」 中村輝太郎 編著、丸善

○「理科系のための英語プレゼンテーションの技術」 志村史夫著、ジャパンタイムズ

○「研究者のための国際学会プレゼンテーション」 久保田浪之介著、共立出版

○「和英イディオム辞典」 青木誠三郎著、大修館書店

○「例題で学ぶ原稿の書き方-わかりやすい文章のために-」 八木和久 著、米田出版

○「科学英語のセンスを磨く オリジナルペーパーに見られる表現」 鈴木英次著、化学同人

○「ネイティブの感覚で前置詞が使える」 ロス典子、モーリス・タック著、ベレ出版

○「これなら通じる日常英会話」 新星出版社

○「使える!英語 耳からメキメキ鍛える日常会話」 別冊宝島659、宝島社

○「使える!英語 耳でつかむ即効会話」 別冊宝島641、宝島社

○「ソニー式英会話、英語は3秒で話せ!普及版」 中経出版

○「サバイバルのための日常英会話」 学研