らりるれろ 及び色々な表現例>
~らしい>This is likely to be due to the effect of PbO at grain boundaries.
It appears that~は、客観的事実を述べるのに使用し、~のようだ、~らしいという意味。
It seems that~は主観的な印象や客観的事実に基づいて、~のようだ、~らしいという場合に使う。
et al. ( et al. )>(~ら、 読み方はand others, 通常はイタリックで記述、主に人名に使用する) 例) Tanaka et al. have investigated~
~らによって>This behavior was also observed by Yonezawa, et al. in the PFW-PFN system and by Swartz, et al. in PMN.
ラップした>The face of the beams were ground with 240 and 600 grit paper and then lapped with alumina paste.
~と~の両方が、~>Both the sintering and grain growth behavior were correlated to the presence of pyrochlore in the reactively calcined powders.
Both these solid solutions exhibited maxima in ~
Both 0-3 composites and PVDF consist of a crystalline phase embedded in an amorphous matrix and both are reasonably flexible.
There are the electron-hopping process, for which the presence of both Mn2+ and Mn3+ ions would be necessary.
This is usually achieved by the careful control of both formulation and processing conditions.
両方の~>Both types of composites were poled using ~
~の両方は>It was found that both crosslinking and addition of cellulose nanofibres had a positive impact on the composites strength.
両サイドに~>Perovskites were synthesized on both sides of the PZT.
~より良好>The properties are still significantly better than the random samples.
~の量は~>The amount of strain at 10kV/cm was 0.21%.
The amount of additive required in fibrous form is reduced by an order of magnitude.
A single-phase cubic fluorite structure was observed for pigments with bismuth contents of 20 mol% or lower, whereas Bi2O3 was observed as an impurity phase in the sample with a Bi3+ content of 23 mol%.
理由>One reason for this is the greater~(この理由の一つは、~
The reason why alternate paths are possible is as follows.
This could be one of the reasons why increasing the milling time made no difference to sample strength.
~の理由で>Because of the densification, dielectric constants are higher than for air-sintered bodies.
原因である、~であるように見える、思える> The presence of PbRuO appear to be the cause of the high leakage current
理由による>The poor sinterability of KNN ceramics is due to several reasons. One of them is the high volality of potassium oxide (K2O) at high temperatures.
理由づけ>A rationalization of these observations is now proposed, in which the ability of the manganese ion to be stabilized in several oxidation states is taken into account.
理由づけすることができない>Clearly the first of these cannot be rationalized in terms of higher [Mn] concentrations in the CO2-sintered samples, so an alternative mechanism is required.
理にかなう>In fact, it is logical to think that a higher E0 would move~
~リッチな~>It should be mentioned that through the diffused E maxima and relaxor-type behavior were reported in some NaNbO3-BaTiO3 solid solution ceramics, the relaxor-like compositions belong to the BaTiO3-rich side of this system and are therefore out of scope of the present work.
領域、範囲>This microwave region of the spectrum has become of interest in recent years. (地域、領域、範囲)
In the region that the single fluorite phase is obtained, the XRD peaks shifted to lower angles with increasing Bi3+ content, because Ce4+ and Zr4+ in the host lattice are partially substituted by larger Bi3+ ions to form solid solutions.
In this range, the material is metallic in character.( 範囲、幅、程度)
Two specimens of CdSiO3 were examined by selected area alectron ~(範囲、領域、分野、区域)
粒径、粒子サイズの表記>An average grain size of 0.5 to 1.5 mm was observed for samples fired at 900 degC or less short durations (<2h), with the grain size increasing to a maximum of about 4 microns for samples fired at 900 degC to 10 h and/or 1000 degC for 5 h.
The particle size of BT and BTred ranged several micrometers to several tens of micrometers.
CT particles were fabricated as platelike crystals with a width of 8-32 mm and a thickness of approximately 1.2 mm.
The BT particles exhibit a platelike shape with a width of 1-10 mm and a thickness of approximately 0.7mm.
The particle size were about 2 mm or less.
We observed fine powder with a particle size of about 0.5mm.
On the free surface, we observed some rectangular grains with edge length of 2-4 mm.
The smallest grain size of the 0.1wt% K2CO3-added ceramics is 2.4 mm.
The average particle sizes of each powder in Fig. 2(a)-2(c) were 0.24, 0.24 and 0.29 mm respectively.
The particle size of the as-prepared powders obtained at a raw material concentration of 0.01 mol/dm3 ranged from 0.2 to 1.5 mm, and the average size was 0.79 mm.
The grain size of the NKN powder was estimated to be about 100 nm and the contours were unclear.
In the case of the 10 mol% Na-excess solutions, the NK powder consisted of rectangular grains and the average grain size was estimated to be about 300 nm.
Two types of particle with different morphologies are found in the SEM image. The larger particles are about 1 mm in sze and a cluster of agglomerated ultrafine particles of ~ 100 nm adheres to the larger particles.
The average grain sizes of the BZT and BZT2 ceramics prepared by SPS at 1100 degC are 0.56 and 0.86 mm, respectively.
The average grain size of the BZT by SPS at 1000 degC is 0.53 mm.
The grain sizes of the pellets calcined at 600+1000 degC are approximately 1-2 mm, which are almost similar to or slightly smaller than the grain size after the sintering. In the cases of (a) and (b), very small grains about 200-300 nm in diameter are observed.
From the SEM observation, although a smooth surface can be seen for the Ti metal reagent perticles, it is found that submicron-sized nanoparticles cover the surface of the Ti metal particles after the hydrothermal treatment.
粒径分析>Particle size analysis was carried out on the slurry with a Malvern Mastersizer, in order to ensure that no significant change in particle size had occurred during milling.
粒成長関係>The observed grain size of 3-5 mm for KN-NiO was greater than that of 2-3 mm observed for KN. This indicates that NiO plays an important role in promoting grain growth. The observed grain size of KN-CuO was smaller than that of KN.
The grain size of the 0.6BF film is in the range of 50-80 nm at the growth temperature of 475 degC and increases to 150-200 nm at 575 degC.
The surface morphology changes between 505 and 540 degC.
Large grains of 30 to 60 mm were generated owing to grain anomaly in the samples with Sr contents below 0.04.
Grain growth is promoted by high-temperature annealing.
粒境界>The latter attributing the grain size dependence of k on a grain boundary volume phenomena in which a second phase of low k (pyochlore, incompletely reacted phases, impurities, etc.) was distributed within the grain boundaries.
リファレンス(標準物質)>The optical reflectance was measured using a UV-vis spectrometer (Shimadzu, UV-2550) with barium sulfate as a reference.
理想的な>The color of praseodymium yellow is slightly greenish compared with the idealyellow color (L*=100, a*=0, b*=100), whereas the CeO pigment is slightly reddish.
The process should ideally be slow and with a maximum pressure of 200MPa.
理解>The relevance to the formation of dipoles, and to an understanding of relaxor ferroelectric ceramics is brought out, employing arguments based on crystal chemistry.
この詩はオランダ語で書かれているので、彼女には理解することが出来る。This poem is written in Dutch so she can understand it.
隣接した>In contrast, matrix pockets between adjacent layers may measure hundreds of micrometers.
利点>In practice, benefits derived from insertion of a new material are inextricably linked to level of understanding and degree of confidence in the material performance envelope.
利用可能な>Within the tows, available spaces are about 5-10 mm in size, and access to those spaces is restricted by narrow (submicrometer) gaps between neighboring fibers.
After the 1940 discoveries, the robust, stable ceramic oxides with very simple structures and obviously exploitable properties led to significantly grater involvement with the topic, a steadily broadening base of practical applications, and rapidly deepening fundamental understanding.
輪郭、枠組み>C.B.Sawyer of the bimorph configuration for nonresonant transducer applications of Rochelle Salt.
流行>Like both these types of human endeavor, it has passed through a number of well-marked "phases" when specific materials, techniques, or models for study were particularly in vogue.
理論密度>The densities of the pressed powder compacts were in the region of 55% oftheoretical density.
良好な>Genipin crosslinked collagen-cellulose nanocomposites demonstrated good cell adhesion(癒着), growth and phenotype(表現型) expression for both cell culture models (HCL and HEC) on the test material and are, therefore, very good candidates to support ligament repair, through angiogenesis (血管新生)and ECM synthesis, especially collagen type I and III.
類推すると、~>By analogy, ~
類似性>Following a suggestion from his supervisor, W.F.G Swan, he began a systematic study of the analogy between the magnetic properties of ferromagnetics and the dielectric properties of Rochelle Salt.
~に例示するように~、>As exemplifired in Fig.1, it was found that~
As an example of the use of the rate equation, Fig. 6 was calculated by an extrapolation of the experimental date. Under such conditions a relative density of 0.985 should be obtained in 13 minutes at a pressure of 4000 psi.
~の典型例として言及される >be mentioned as a typical example of
典型的な例として> as a typical example, A typical polarization-field loop is shown in Fig.4 for the B250141 materials.
代表的な例として> as a representative example of Fig.3 is an example of a typical strain-vs-field plot for the B250141 materials.
レベル、水準>Mn-doping levels beyond 10 mol% are still to be investigated
Furthermore, mRNA level of vWF obtained with the test material is higher than negative control level (156%).
レート>Global SiC recession rates are sensitive to temperature, pressure, and velocity of the gas stream.
連続した>At the simplest level, each tow is represented by a contiguous set of 1-D line elements that are assigned properties that reflect axial tow properties.
レスポンス>Fig. 5 shows the response of the samples directly after firing and Fig. 6 shows that of similar samples following annealing in air at 1100℃ for 120 min.
本論文では、~>In this paper, ~
本論文は~>The present paper describes physical, electrical, and electrooptic properties of ~.
論理的>In fact, it is logical to think that a higher E0 would move~
先に論じたように、~>As has been argued previously, these polarisation clusters may be visualised as regions of interconnected NbO6 (and TiO2) octahedra, with Nb5+ (Ti4+) ions displaced off-centre within distorted octahedra.
論争>It is perhaps difficult now to realize the absolutely revolutionary thinking which was required at that time to accept even the possibility of piezoelectric response in a randomly axed polycrystal, and it is perhaps not surprising that for some time controversy raged as to whether the effect was electrostrictive or piezoelectric.
ロードセル>Tensile(張力) properties of the matrix and the nanocomposites were tested using a Autograph tester at 5 mm min-1 with a load cell of 1kN.
相転移の表現>The substitution of Na for K in KNbO3 does not affect the two higher temperature transition greatly, but lowers the orthorhombic-rhombohedral transition to a minimum near 55 at% Na..
粉末を粉砕したスラリーは~>The milled powder slurry was dried at 120℃ for 24 h.
主語1つ、動詞2つ文>The slurry was dried at 120℃ for 24h and calcined at 1100℃ for 5 h to produce columbite.
~は~し、~した(主語一つ、動詞二つ)>Small single crystals were grown from the flux and studied by Mylnikova and Bokov.
彼は~と~と~を発見した。>Inducing full polarization reversal at constant prestress values up to 60MPa, he found that compressive stress reduce the remnant polarization, change the piezoelectric coefficients, and decrease the coercive field.
動詞の連続表現?>The tapes were dried, cut, and then laminated under 1300 kg/cm2 at room temperature.
こんなのもある>The pellets were of 5.1 mm diameter and 3-4 mm in thickness.