表2にまとめる>Table II summarizes the piezoelectric~
These conditions are summarized in Table?.
まとめると、~>In summary,~ , In conclusion, ~(結論として)
~までは、>until ~ Until a few years ago, ~ 2、3年前までは、~
the amount of PMN perovskite formed increased until 800℃, where formation of ~
~まで~>The slurry was stirred at <60 deg.C. until the solvent completely evaporated.
KNN system exhibits piezoelectric properties up to the Curie temperature.
まずは、~。次に、~>In order to perform this task, first an optimized processing procedure was evolved for obtaining the dence ceramics of each composition. Secondly, the temperature~
~もまた~>Aside from his work in the theater, he is also an accomplished pianist.
This figure also shows a decrease in e with increasing t.
~すると、まもなく(すぐに)~>As soon as the field was applied, the load rapidly dropped~
まったく~>These values for the hysteretic loss are quite high and ~
~する前に、~>Before it is sintered, the fiber from this process can be easily chopped or loosely bundled.
前に書いたとおり、~(前述したとおり)>As stated earlier, substitutions of Ba for~.
前の~>Previous work on our sol-gel PZT has shown that ~
まれである>However, research on the NN ceramics has rarely been reported, possibly because it is difficult to fabricate high-density NN ceramics due to the volality of the sodium component at the sintering temperature.
Aか、またはBか>The Pt interlayer was 100-300 A thick, and was deposited either by magnetron sputter deposition at room temperature, or by ion-beam sputter deposition at 400 ℃
まだ~> Although we have not investigated the strain in these epitaxial InGaAs layers in detail yet, ~
前もって previously
まっすぐに、直に directly
または、もしくは>These products were mixed, as above, with reagent grade PbO (yellow) and/or reagent grade PbTiO3.
または、~、そのかわりに~>Alternatively,the condition could be due to oxygen ion conduction, which should be greater in the CO2-sintered sample because of the expected higher concentration of oxygen vacancies compared to corresponding air-sintered material.
ますます多くの>It is interesting to note that compositions near to PFN showed virtually no relaxational character, but with increasing amounts of PNN, the dielectric maximums decreased and showed more and more frequency dispersion.
まじめに、本気で>These results demonstrate that the medium yellow pigment traditionally used in Arita ware but which contains lead and antimony can be faithfully replicated by the present CeO pigment, which does not contain any toxic elements.
まっすぐな~>Straight fibers (such as those within laminates) are prefered over wavy fibers (those within weaves), because waviness leads to stress elevations that exacerbate matrix cracking.
マトリックス>The process is rapid and yields matrices with minimal porosity. matricesはmatrixの複数系
間違いなく、~>Certainly one of the major "turning points" in ferroelectricity came in the very early 1940s with discovery of the unusual dielectric properties of a number of simple mixed oxides which crystallize with the perovskite structure.
間違った~>Unfortunately, some incorrect work by an equally eminent German colleague led Pockels to doubt his original measurements and he did not proceed with the work.
Second, over most of the early period, the crystal symmetry, based on morphological assessments, was incorrectly assigned.
間違い>a fearful mistake(ひどい間違い)
真面目な>This text is essential reading for any serious student of ceramic piezoelectrics.
毎分>The rate of temperature increase during all experiments was 3℃ min-1 , and each temperature was maintained for 4 min-1 prior to each resistance measurement.
まねる>Precoating with serum(リンパ液) proteins mimics (まねる、擬態する)‘in vivo (生体内の)‘ situation following implantation(埋め込み) (adsorbed (吸着した)protein layer).
~のように見える(思われる)>It appears that both K and T decrease~
The binder appears to assist in the formation of an open pore network which allows the liquid phase to flow easily through the microstructure.
It seems perhaps reasonable to term this early Rochelle Salt period.
~であるように見える、思える>The presence of PbRuO appear to be the cause of the high leakage current
~でありそう、に見える、に思える>pyrochlore formation is most likely to be due solely to PbO evaporation.
~と見ている(考えられる)(推定される)>It may be suspected that +文 It is suspected that +文
見られる、思われる>It is seen from our results in Table 2 that ~
It is seen in Fig.4 that the temperature of maximum permittivity, T(er,max), rises sharply in air-sintered samples at the lowest manganese substitution-level, x=0.0045, remaining approximately constant at all higher manganese-concentrations.
~が見られた>Only two exothermic peaks were seen in CMN.
~を見せた、観察された>Doping with manganese appears to aid densification in CO2 at [Mn]-levels of up to 6.5mol%.
見せる、呈する>These pigment exhibited brilliant blue colors in comparison with those of commercial products and have high chemical and light resistance.
~のように見えなかった>Mix 1 did not seem sensitive to sintering atmosphere.
~が認められた(観察された)>Perovskite was observed for the base powder.
~を導く>This leads to discontinuities and~ This led to a decrease in ~(導いた)
An additional parameter that can lead to modification of the dielectric properties is stress.
The historical roots leading to the discovery of ferroelectrricity can be traced back to the last century and the work of the famous crystal physicistes Groth, Voigt, and the brothers Curie.
Addition of the binder prior to milling led to a 100% increase in strength over those in which the binder was added at the normal time.
導く、~という結果になる>Sintering under ordinary conditions often leads to poor densities, and thus properties that are not optimized.
This can lead to spallation under cyclic loading conditions.
This leads to greater porosity and shrinkage in the radial direction following sintering.
~は~を見積もった>We estimated the real value of Km, without porosity, using Wiener's rule.
Unfortunately, it is difficult to estimate the full extent of Cady's early work on Rochelle Salt, since much of it was conducted under a U.S.Navy contract for sonar applications and was consequentry classified and remained unpublished.
~と見積もられる>The reflectivity of the InP/SiO2/Si interface is estimated to be ~0.45 at maximum in the IR range for ~
見積もられている、みなされている、予測されている>Piezoelectric properties of BNT are very interesting and it has been projected as the key non-lead material.
見積もり>In this connection, the following approximation proposed by Wartz and Shot was employed.
密接に~>The investigations of the formation of 1:1 ordered structures in the closely related BaTiO3 perovskite systems showed that the ~
密度関連>The sintered density increased with the addition of excess MgO and reached a value near 96% of the theoretical density at the sintering temperature of 1250 ℃.
Densities of the sintered pellets were determined by using the Archimedes principle.
The density of the sintered samples was found to be above 95% of the theoretical. Densities of the sintered pellets were determined by using the Archimedes principle.
A density of about 92-96% of the maximum value for PMN can be achieved in this way.
With the excess Bsite ion, CuO-added KNN was highly densified.
Highly dense KNN-BT ceramics can be obtained easily by the addition of BT into KNN composition, which facilitates the poling process because of a decrease in leakage current.
The sintered disks were then round parallel with 12 micron m Al2O3 powder and geometrical densities were calculated.
Effects of the firing conditions on the density, Tc, dielectric constant and loss for samples having the composition 0.6PFN-0.4PNN with MnO additions are presented in Table I.
A density of about 92-96% of the maximum value for PMN can be achieved in this way.
The maximum density was obtained by sintering method at 1275 degC.
みなされている、予測されている>Piezoelectric properties of BNT are very interesting and it has been projected as the key non-lead material.
見つけること>The objective of this study was to find the suitable nonlead composition~
見つけた、認めた>These studies clearly discerned the importance of the composition-dependent rhombohedral-tetragonal ferroelectric-ferroelectric phase change near the 52:48 mole fraction composition and initiated a whole new emphasis in piezoceramic research.
見つからなかった>When heated in carbon dioxide, MnCO3 decomposed to MnO at 650 degC, as in air, but no oxidation was found to occur to Mn2O3 at higher temperatures.
魅力的>This method will be more attractive for PMN-PT.
魅惑的な>The barium titanate period, 1940 to 1950, occurred when the major experimental features of this fascinating crystal were first studied, and the capacitor and transducer applications for ceramic BaTiO3 were firmly established.
未反応>XRD of pellets made from unreacted mixed oxide powders revealed no reaction ~
~を見せた>It is interesting to note that compositions near to PFN showed virtually no relaxational character, but with increasing amounts of PNN, the dielectric maximums decreased and showed more and more frequency dispersion.
見つかった、発見された>The dielectric constant k and density were also found to increase with firing temperature.
短い時間、短時間>An average grain size of 0.5 to 1.5 mm was observed for samples fired at 900 degC or less short durations (<2h), with the grain size increasing to a maximum of about 4 microns for samples fired at 900 degC to 10 h and/or 1000 degC for 5 h.
満たす>We have been working to synthesize several lead-free pigments for porcelain to satisfy the demands of environment- and safety-oriented consumers.
未解決問題>It remains an open question as to whether dissociation of Mn2O3 to MnO. Mn2O3 occurs as an intermediate reaction at ca. 1000 degC, or whether reaction to form the perovskite phase proceeds directly, with manganese still in the +3 state.
ミスマッチ>In cases where a large thermal expansion mismatch exists relative to SiC/SiC, a low-compliance microstructure may be required to impart strain tolerance.
マッチする>The tensile strength of non-crosslinked and crosslinked nanocomposites in wet conditions closely match the targeted tensile strength of 28-38MPa and strain of 18-30% (based on the measured values of strength and strain of natural ligaments/tendons by De Santis et al.).
見本>An example of the manifestation of these mechanisms on fracture surfaces of a precursor-derived SiC/SiC composite is shown in Figure 4.
見方、考え方>From our perspective, one can see there was much merit to both points of view, and that really the phenomena are adequately described either as spontaneous polarization-biased electrostriction of the prototypic phase, or true piezoelctricity of the ferroelectric phase.
源となる>This has the advantage of increasing the grain-boundary surface area, which is where the PTC effect is thought to originate.
That light blue, vertically‐striped blouse looks nice on her
緑がかった~>緑がかった青 blue that inclines to green
greenish indigo blue 藍碧という色
密集して>Ligaments are made of a highly organized extra(特別の) cellular matrix(ECM) of densely (密集して)packed collagen fibers and interspersed(散在した) cells named fibroblasts(繊維芽細胞、せんいがさいぼう), which synthesize collagen.
未知>Furthermore, it may be noted that though these nanocellulose fibre based scaffolds showed promising results in terms of biocompatibility and mechanical performance, the effect of nanocellulose fibres while inside the body was not studied and is, therefore, unknown.
むしろ、~>Rather, we suggest that it be considered as demonstrating that the coupling ~.
Rather, Mn3+ ions will have considerable off-centre displacements, which will be associated with large local electric dipole moments.
Rather, we believe that the decade of the 70s may turn out to be a key period of diversification in which the thinking which evolved with considerable refinement for simple proper ferroelectrics was applied to other mimetically twinned ferroic crystals, and the concept of dynamical mode instabilities, which have proved so fruitful in understanding the onset of the static displacement systems in ferroelectric domain structures, were applied to an ever-widening spectrum of solid state phase transitions.
~というよりも、むしろ~>the use of powder diffraction by neutrons rather than X-rays
無数の~>A number of compositional modifications have been studied in the PZT system.
Numerous measurements did not reveal significant ~
無視する>The above equation neglect domain wall motion contributed by an applied electric field and therefore must be modified.
無視できるほどの、わずかな negligible
難しい、困難である>However, research on the NN ceramics has rarely been reported, possibly because it is difficult to fabricate high-density NN ceramics due to the volality of the sodium component at the sintering temperature.
~に向かって>Thus this initial work points towards the oxidation of manganese in situ within the perovskite phase.
矛盾のない>The values were consistent with previous measurements on pure barium titanate dielectric materials.
Mix 4 consistently showed values 30% higher than mix 3.
無色透明>ろ過水は無色透明であってアルカリ性である。Filtered water is colorless and transparent, and alkaline.
明確な、特定の specific
明白な>Determining the realizable performance envelope of a CMC component also require explicit account of the efficacy and durability of EBCs.
In non-crosslinked nanocomposites this is expected, but interestingly this behaviour is most pronounced(明白である) in genipin crosslinked nanocomposites.
明確にする、解明する>Further work is necessary to clarify this issue.
the main investigation considers specifically the effect of sintering atmosphere.
めったにない、まれである>However, research on the NN ceramics has rarely been reported, possibly because it is difficult to fabricate high-density NN ceramics due to the volality of the sodium component at the sintering temperature.
メーカー>"Oil refineries, power plants, landfills, large manufacturers, the cement
~で明示されているように>No significant band gap shift was caused by the InP/Si substrate structure, as indicatedby the spectral response.
メカニズム>The coloring mechanism of these CeO2-ZrO2-Bi2O3 materials is based on charge transfer from O2p to Ce4f in the CeO2 band structure.
~を目指して>Taiho Ritsuryo was compiled aiming at the realization of government according to the Ritsuryo codes which conformed to the state of affairs in Japan.
By creating a low carbon society we aim to realize a society where high quality life and reduction of carbon dioxide emissions are achieved at the same time.
名目上の(名ばかりの)>A nominal green density of 55% theoretical was achieved using loads of 1, 0.8 and 0.2 ton for each size of die, resulting in compaction pressures of 78, 66 and 101MPa, respectively.
メノウの>Agate balls of 10,12 and 20mm diameter were used in an ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene vessel, which reduced the particle sizes to the order of 10 μm.
目立つ>This was most noticeable at low pressures where oxidation was not taking place.
メリットがある> こっちのほうが検索しやすいというメリットがある.This has the merit of being easy to find.
Incorporation of salaried workers has a lot of merits not only for employers but also employees
~は用いられた(~を用いた)>A modifired process was used to prepare~
Density measurements were used to assess the ~
The weak-field measurements were taken with HP computer.
the following approximation proposed by Tanaka was employed.
A standard muffle furnace was employed for air-sintered samples, with CO2-sintering carried out in a tube furnace with a steady flow of CO2 gas.
~を用いた~>Transducers made using PZT fiber have prodeuced~
Full details of the techniques employed have been described previously.
用いた~は、~>The sintering profile used is shown in Fig.1.
The furnace employed for the growth of PMN is ~
The PLD system used for thin film growth has been~
~を用いて~>ST particles were synthesized using KCL as a flux.
Using this technique, we were able to detect~ Using this information, ~
Powder X-ray diffraction analysis was carried out on crushed sintered pellets, usinga Siemens D500 X-ray diffractometer.
~を用いて、~によって>This was achieved by means of a thermocouple placed in the vicinity of the sample.
~を用いると>Taking values 72, 64.5 and 60.5 pm for the Mg2+, Nb5+ and Ti4+ ions, respectively, the mean radius is calculated to be 66.675 pm.
~を持っている>These materials have an advantage of processing temperatures, which are compatible with the sintering requirements.
もし~ならば、~>If ~, ~ If he can do that, ~ もし彼がそれを出来るならば、~
These results indicate that if a well-dispersed suspension of PZT can be obtained,it should pass through the print head in a manner ~
On the stoichiometric isopleth, it is clear that if crystallization takes place above the To curve,~
If the typical domain size is 1mm, a domain close to~
If left unimpeded, the reaction leads to global recession of SiC/SiC components.
~が求められる。>A dense matrix is required for TGG because porosity reduces ~
~をもとにすると、~>However, based on the measurements, this hypothesis ~
Based on the above, to produce densification of the reactively calcined powder, hot presssing was required.
~にもとづいて~>It is not possible on the basis of the evidence ~
is based on ~
~の目的は、~>The objective of this work was to investigate the role of grain size.
As the objective of the work is to produce sintered PMN ceramics with maximum density and relative permittivity, the suppression of PbO loss during sintering is a major objective.
The purpose of this article is to explain the high field dielectric and piezoelectric response under constant ~
The purpose of this investigation was to study the microstructure~
Since one aim of the work is to invetigate a doped PMNT system ~
狙い、目的>Since one aim of the work is to investigate a doped PMNT system which is capable of being sintered in less oxidising atmospheres, account has been taken of possible problems with electronic conduction due to loss of oxygen from the ceramic.
The object of this period of study was first separated in 1655 by Elie Seignette, an apothecary in the town of La Rochelle, France. Sodium potassium tartrate tetrahydrate (Rochelle Salt) was used for over 200 years for its mild purgative medicinal properties.
もたらした>Substitutions caused a lowering of the Tc.
This leads to discontinuities and~
This route has produced very high perovskite contents, typically>90%, but after sintering ~
Stresses approaching 30MPa may be produced from a rapid temperature change of 200℃.
~をもたらす>This gives two major results: the permittivity is ~, and loss is low.
The presence of Mn3+ ions gives rise to the rapid and immediate fall in dT observed in air-sintered samples in Fig6.
Hurricans cause severe damage every year. ハリケーンは毎年、大災害を引き起こしている。
Doping Bi3+ in the CeO2-ZrO2 lattice generates intrinsic strain, which alters the Op2 valence band and reduces the band-gap energy due to the formation of a hybrid Bi6s and O2p orbital.
Swift temperature changes, which may be induced in protection devices and heating elements under current surges, cause thermal stresses.
On application of a pressure, flow of material takes place during the time required to reach the desired pressure level, resulting in a relative density at time zero greater than that expected for the given temperature and warm-up period.
Compositions in the system KNbO3-NaNbO3 have been hot-pressed to yield ceramics with relative densities greater than 99%.
~をもたらさない>As a consequence of the three dimensional BO6 octahedral network, the presence of oxygen vacancies will not lead to a reduction in unit cell volume, but rather to the presence of additional space within the crystal structure.
問題は~>The main problem with PMN ceramics is the difficulty of fabricating them ~
問題、課題>Two issues remain:(i) the cross-over in T(er,max)-curves for CO2-and air-sintered samples at a manganese concentration of approximately 7 mol%; and (ii) the generally higher values of Er,max observed in CO2-sintered samples.
その問題を考慮しないことにする.exclude the problem from consideration
I am thinking that there is absolutely no problems concerning those
モデル>For that model, the excess charge within the ordered domains must be compensated by a disordered matrix of equal and opposite charge.
In this model, the B and B' sites are assumed to be exclusively occupied by B2+ and B5+ cations.
~もまた~>Aside from his work in the theater, he is also an accomplished pianist.
This nonlinear behavior of Tc's was also reported by Yonezawa, et al. for the PFW-PFN solid-solution system.
Also in Table I are the temperature coefficients of the dielectric constant at -30 degC,10 degC, and 85 degC with reference to the value at 25 degC.
モニターする>By monitoring the changes in the order as a function of temperature, the order-disorder boundary for the PNN-PSN system was established.
~をモニターした>In particular, the values of dT ( an empirical measure of the extent of frequency dispersion ) were monitored as a function of x in both systems.
~もしくは~>An average grain size of 0.5 to 1.5 mm was observed for samples fired at 900 degC or less short durations (<2h), with the grain size increasing to a maximum of about 4 microns for samples fired at 900 degC to 10 h and/or 1000 degC for 5 h.
モル比>The molar Ce:Zr ratio was kept constant at 55:45 to give the deepest yellow hue while molar ratio of bismuth was increased from 0 to 23 mol%.
目視評価>Furthermore, visual evaluation by a specialist of overglazing gave the same conclusion.
目視観察>In addition, visual observation did not detect any discoloration or loss of gloss of the paintwork after the leaching test.
モーメント>The magnetic susceptibility of these materials is also of interest, since the manganese ions have magnetic dipole moments which vary with oxidation state.
~はもちろん、~>She can play the violin, not to mention the piano. 彼女はピアノはもちろんのこと、バイオリンも弾ける。
~を元にすると>On the basis of this evidence, it appears clear that R.B. Gray of Erie should be credited with having the first working piezoelectric ceramic transducer and that it was he who had the first clear understanding of the importance of electrical poling in establishing a remnant polar domain configuration in ceramic and consequent strong piezoresponse.
もろい、砕けやすい>In the "preperovskite era," ferroelectricity was something of a scientific curiosity, unique to two rather friable water-soluble crystal families with complex crystal structures.
最も~>The tensile strengths of mixes 3 and 4 were the most susceptible to the effects of sintering atmosphere.
~もの~>Bacterial cellulose based ligament, like a tough double network, was developed by Hagiwara et al. and showed tensile fracture stress as high as 40MPa.
もつれた>It is assumed that in the non-crosslinked system, the regenerated collagen fibrils and the cellulose nanofibres form a physically entangled(もつれた) double network within the collagen phase.